ARTICLE: Visual coverage of the Ukraine crisis on Twitter

The Ukraine conflict has been characterised by a discursive battle or “information war” that is seen in the drastically different narratives about the nature of the conflict, writes Mervi Pantti, of University of Helsinki. The study explores the question of the blurring of traditional boundaries between the personal and the professional in relation to visual narratives tweeted … Continued

ARTICLE: Individual news repertoires and political participation

In contemporary high-choice media environments, people increasingly mix and combine their use of various news media into personal news repertoires, write Jesper Strömbäck, of University of Gothenburg, Kajsa Falasca, of Mid Sweden University, and Sanne Kruikemeier, of University of Amsterdam. The article explores how people compose these individual news repertoires and the effects of different news repertoires on political participation. … Continued

Picture: untitled by albersHeinemann, license CC0 1.0, edited

ARTICLE: Practices of mobile journalism at Hindustan Times

Mobile journalism practices have provided new skills to and have also been time-consuming for journalists, Indian reporters state in a new study. Anoop Kumar and M. Shuaib Mohamed Haneef, both of Pondicherry University, India, gathered qualitative data by observing and interviewing journalists and editors at Hindustan Times, the second biggest English daily newspaper in India. … Continued

Untitled by Steve Buissinne, licence CC0 1.0

ARTICLE: Are personal stories better than news at disseminating health information?

Yi Mou, of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Fuyuan Shen, of Pennsylvania State University, studied whether the effects of health information change according to its supposed source. They had 190 Chinese university students view social media posts made by a fictional person and surveyed them afterwards. The collection of social media posts contained either links … Continued

ARTICLE: Information seeking and socializing motivate social media users

By liking, sharing, tweeting, or retweeting, social media have provided users with many tools to share news content with their peers, write Veronika Karnowski, of LMU Munich, Larissa Leonhard, of University of Leipzig and Anna Sophie Kümpel, of LMU Munich. The study explores the effects of motives, attitude, and intention on news-sharing behavior among German social … Continued

ARTICLE: What makes news viral?

Ahmed Al-Rawi, of Concordia University, studies the elements that constitute news virality on YouTube and Twitter. The author examines the most viewed videos on four newspapers and their most retweeted news stories. The selected newspapers are the Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. The article studies 17 viral elements that … Continued

Mapping news consumption – Kim Schrøder interview

VIDEO: Mapping news consumption

Kim Schrøder, Professor of Communication at Roskilde University, talked to us about his research on how people use news media in their everyday life. Schrøder has studied this from two perspectives: with a quantitative “high-altitude” level and a qualitative ”ground-level” approach. His findings shed light on social media and the willingness to pay for news. … Continued

ARTICLE: Journalists’ self-branding on Twitter

Based on a quantitative content analysis, Ulrika Hedman, of University of Gothenburg, examines Swedish journalists’ Twitter account presentations. The focus of the analysis is on how the technological affordances of Twitter shape journalists’ self-branding and whether there are differences between groups of journalists. It seems that Swedish journalists use professional attributes, such as title and workplace, in … Continued

Coverage of the fake news issue in Norway – Bente Kalsnes interview

VIDEO: Coverage of the fake news issue in Norway

Bente Kalsnes, Associate Professor, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA), did an interview with us about her recent research: how fake news has been reported in Norway. Most of the news have been about the US presidential election and Donald Trump. Fake news is also used to imply media criticism and as … Continued