ECREA2014: Session Summary of “Business strategies in journalism: paywalls, start-ups, and crowdfunding”

The second set of todays parallel sessions of journalism studies featured subjects  A) “Practises of journalism: understanding the newsroom” and B) Business strategies in journalism: paywalls, start-ups and crowdfunding. Our recap focuses on the latter subject. The first speaker of the set was Dimitri Pradner who had (in collaboration with Susanne Kirchhoff and Roman Hummel) conducted … Continued

Online first: Representation of social actors in Finnish, Estonian, and Russian dailies (1905–2005)

A new paper published online first in International Communication Gazette (Sage) delves into the composition of social actors in Finnish, Estonian, and Russian daily newspapers in the 20th century. The authors, Ragne Kõuts and Maarja Lõhmus from University of Tarto, Estonia, argue that transformations in these societies were accompanied by 1) growing plurality of social … Continued