The place of anger in journalism

The study “Anger and the investigative journalist” by Richard Stupart from University of Groningen theorizes on the role of anger in journalism, particularly investigative journalism, based on a discourse analysis of investigative journalists’ reflections on anger. Anger is often seen as a threat to the neutrality that journalists must maintain while working on a story. … Continued

Harassment of journalists in the United States

The study “Harassment’s Toll on Democracy: The Effects of Harassment Towards US Journalists” by Kaitlin C. Miller from University of Alabama was about the US journalists’ experiences of harassment in their work and its effect on their work and emotions. The study consisted of both a survey and interviews. More than 500 journalists were surveyed … Continued

Emotions in Euromyths news stories

New study by Imke Henkel “Euphoric defiance: the role of positive emotions in the British Eurosceptic discourse” analysed a sample of texts from a larger corpus of  334 Euromyths news stories. Henkel used critical discourse analysis building on appraisal theory and Roland Barthes´ theory of myths as a type of speech to study the stories.  … Continued