CFP: EU Journalists – professional policy makers?

10th International Interpretive Policy Analysis conference is still looking for submissions. The event is subtitled “Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power”. It features a host of various sessions, among them a panel on journalists covering European Union. It goes by the title “Journalist of the EU: Which role in policy-making process?” and is divided into two subthemes: professionalization of EU journalists and their role in policy making.

The conference itself will last from July the 8th to the 10th. Paper proposals to all panels are due on February the 3rd.

Further information of the conference as a whole is available online here. The Journalists of the EU panel is circumscribed here (PDF).

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Call for Papers
Ivan CHUPIN – Université de Lille 2, CERAPS, UMR 8026, CNRS

Pierre MAYANCE – Université Paris Dauphine, IRISSO, UMR 7170, CNRS

Panel 32: Journalist of the EU: Which role in policy-making process?
10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA)
Université de Lille 2-Sciences Po Lille-MESHS Lille, 8-10 July 2015
Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power

This panel aims at studying the link between the EU policy making and the media sphere. Most of the academic works dealing with media issues focus on the European Union coverage and its effects on public attitude (and votes). For example, N. GAVIN studies the role played by economic information on TV in England (GAVIN, 2000). C. DE VREESE describes the characteristics of news about European affairs in a comparative study of the editorial policies of news organizations in Britain, Denmark, and the Netherlands. He investigates the effects of television news on public opinion formation. He questions also whether the framing of EU news benefits more to the European institutions or the citizens (DE VREESE, 2002). The journalists? role in policy making is less studied.

Nonetheless, the journalists presence at the European level has already been taken account of. Other scholars insist on the permanent link between European institutions and journalists. For instance, analyzing the Commission?s midday briefing, G. BASTIN shows how deeply rooted were the journalists in the Commission?s PR in the early 2000ies (BASTIN, 2002). Comparing journalists in France and The UK in the 2000ies, O. BAISNÉE explains how the newsmaking of the EU remains produced on a national level. But on the European level, journalists are a part of the European community. Thus he described the presence of a link (?a synchrony of representations?) between the symbolic order of the bureaucrats and the journalists (BAISNÉE, 2007).

As a result, we would like to review and deepen those perspectives in order to question the relation between the European policies and the newsmaking of journalists. The core of our panel issue would be to work on those European Journalists and their role and involvement in the European public policy process. This panel is divided into two axes:

Axe 1: Professionalization of an EU journalists group?

One aim of this panel is to question the existence of a common European social world in which journalists belong to, and to analyze the reality of a EU journalists group. Are those journalists part of the Field of Eurocracy (GEORGAKAKIS, 2012)? What is the history of the construction of the social group and how they distinguish themselves from other actor on the European level?

Along the European construction, this social group gained prestige. Nonetheless, the European correspondents seem to loss some ground nowadays. There are fewer journalists whereas the EU is bigger. Different causes could be addressed: the transformation of technics, like the irruption of online video in European press conference, a generational effect between the first correspondents and the new journalists. The European Union itself has faced many issues like the Enlargement (LECHELER, 2008) or the difficulties around the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE) which have an impact on EU coverage. Furthermore, the Press financial crises in many countries have crippled the journalist presence at the European level.

When does this process of professionalization start and how can we describe it? How can the journalists construct their own social identities? How far the practices remains national or are they Europeanized, as A. CORNIA described it concerning the Italian correspondents (CORNIA, 2010)? In other words, how deep are the effects of the EU institutions (new ?europeanized? practices) on journalists’ national culture?

How far this world of journalists, lobbyists and bureaucrats is united? Can we, like G. BASTIN, consider that there is an united world including all these ?governance workers? (BASTIN, 2005)? We could emphasis the unity of this professional group of European journalists, but it may be interesting to address their diversity and especially the differences between general and professional journalism. Thus we should question the existence of different paths of professionalization and degree of Europeanization of theses different kind of journalism which focus on a specific European public policy (CHUPIN & MAYANCE, 2014).

Axe 2: Journalists’ role in the EU policy making

In this second axe, we want to question the European journalists? role in the EU policy making process. We won?t focus only in which ways the journalists participate in the legitimation of the European Union. We want to open the discussion about the effective presence of European correspondents in policy networks. They not only take part of policy categories and identities shaping, but they also act as policy broker on European issues. We will welcome studies which question the practices of those journalists as intermediary of public policy.

There is a huge diversity of institutions. The goal would be to compare in the European institution the way to produce information and the role played by PR officers and by journalists. In fact, PR relations are organized differently in the Commission, the Council of the European Union, or the European Parliament (BAISNÉE, FRINAULT & LECHAUX, 2008; CORNIA, 2010; LAURSEN, 2012; BAISNÉE & HAHN, 2014).

But there is also a diversity of policy sector and issues. Are those journalists doing the same job if they are specialized in a specific sector or of if they cover the European institutions on the whole? Are the interactions with lobbyist more frequent by example?

Concerning the two axes, proposal which focus on recent events or historical approaches would be both welcomed. As for the methodological approaches: interviews, archives?


BAISNÉE, O. 2007. ‘En être ou pas?. Les logiques de l’entre soi à Bruxelles. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 166-167, pp.110-121.

BAISNÉE O. and FRINAULT, T. 2008. Analysis of EU media coverage and interviews in editorial offices in Europe? the Case of France. In: AIM Research Consortium (eds.), Understanding the Logic of EU reporting in Mass Media. Project Verlag.

BAISNÉE O. and FRINAULT, T., and LECHAUX, B. 2008. Reporting the EU from Brussels. The case of France. In: AIM Research Consortium (eds.), Understanding the Logic of EU reporting in Mass Media. Project Verlag.

BAISNÉE, O. and HAHN, O. 2014. Quand dire c’est taire. Propos officieux et usages de l’informel à Bruxelles. In : LEGAVRE, J.-B. ed. L’informel pour informer. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 223-238.

BASTIN, G. 2002. Les journalistes accrédités auprès des institutions européennes. Quelques signes du changement dans un monde de travail. In : GEORGAKAKIS, D. ed. Les métiers de l’Europe politique. Acteurs et professionnalisations de l’Union européenne. Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, pp.169-194.

BASTIN, G. 2005. Les professionnels de l’information en travailleurs de la gouvernance. Éléments d’économie politique de l’information européenne à Bruxelles depuis les années 1960. Regards Sociologiques, 27-28, pp.138-148.

CHUPIN, I. and MAYANCE, P. 2014. La mort annoncée de la PAC pour 2013. Le rôle des journalistes agricoles dans la construction d’un consensus. In : ALDRIN, P., HUBÉ, N., OLLIVIER-YANNIV, C. & UTARD, J.-M. eds. Les médiations de l?Europe politique. Strasbourg: PUS, coll. “Groupe de sociologie politique européenne”, pp. 223-242.

CORNIA, A. 2010. The Europeanization of Mediterranean Journalism Practices and the Italianization of Brussels. Dynamics of Interaction between EU Institutions and National Journalism Cultures, European Journal of Communication, 25(4), pp.366-381.

DE VREESE, C. 2002. Framing Europe: Television News and European Integration, Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers.

DIEZ MEDRANO, J. 2004. Framing Europe, Attitudes to European Integration in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Princeton (N.J.); Oxford: Princeton University Press

GAVIN, N. 2000. Imagining Europe: political identity and British television coverage of European economy. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2(3), pp.352-373.

GEORGAKAKIS, D. 2012. Le champ de l’Eurocratie : Une sociologie politique du personnel de l’UE. Paris: Economica, (coll. Etudes politiques).

LAURSEN, B. 2013. Transparency in the Council of the European Union: Why journalists don?t get the full picture. Journalism, 14, pp.771-789.

LECHELER, S. 2008. EU membership and the press: An analysis of the Brussels correspondents from the new member states. Journalism, 9(4), pp.443-464.

Technical questions

Paper proposals to this panel may be submitted on the conference’s website from the 9th December 2014 to the 3rd February 2015. Paper proposers will be evaluated by each panel chair and paper acceptance will be notified by mid March 2015. Regarding accepted paper proposals, full papers will be due one month prior to the conference date: 1st June 2015.

All paper proposals must be submitted via the online form. On the form, you will be asked to provide your first and last names, e-mail address, institutional affiliation; to choose the panel in which you would like to intervene, and to give the title of your paper, an abstract of no more than 500 words and your biographic note.

Paper titles, abstracts and biographic note will be submitted in English only.

To submit a paper proposal, please follow these steps:

Click on the following link to enter your information : Submit Paper

Proposal or click on the button : Submit a paper (on the left menu of this webpage). (If you are not yet registered on the SciencesConf platform, the website will prompt you to do so. After creating an account, you will be able to proceed with your submission).

On submission of the proposal, you will receive an automated email confirming receipt.

The call for paper submissions will close on the 3rd February 2015.

After adding a paper, you can modify any part of the information until the deadline (3rd February 2015). Once you have keyed in all information necessary, click to submit.

The link for submitting:

Selected papers from the conference may be considered for a special issue of Critical Policy Studies: editors are Frank Fischer (Rutgers University, USA) and Richard Freeman (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA); Forum editors are Navdeep Mathur (Indian Institute of Management, India) and Douglas Torgerson (Trent University, Canada). To reach the editorial team of Critical Policy Studies, please contact Helen Hancock at [email protected].


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