CFP: Public service media in a networked society

The 8th biennal RIPE conference is now accepting submission proposals. The RIPE@2016 event, to be held at the University of Antwerp, is themed around public service media and titled Public service media in a networked society. The conference will span from the 22. to the 24. of September 2016.

The even concerns itself with different aspects of public service media and the changes it has gone, or ought to go through in the contemporary setting. A total of six topics are proposed:

1. PSM’s roles and functions in a networked society
2. PSM and the public in a networked society
3. PSM and partnership in a networked society
4. PSM and journalism in a networked society
5. PSM in small versus large (networked) societies
6. Implications of power in networked societies for PSM

Proposals, in the form of expanded abstracts are due on February the 15th 2016, and completed papers on August the 1st.

The full call for papers is available here.

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