New issue of MedieKultur: researching cross-media communication

Picture: A Plumpish Proportion by U.S. Army, license CC BY 2.0

The issue 60 of MedieKultur has been published. The new issue features six theme articles, four open sections articles and six reviews. The issue’s theme is “Researching Cross-Media Communication: Methodological Approaches”.

Especially interesting from a journalism researcher’s point of view is the article “From everyday communicative figurations to rigorous audience news repertoires” by Christian Kobbernagel and Kim Christian Schrøder of Roskilde University. They study news consumption patterns of audience using mixed methods, including Q-methodology and factor analysis. The results present six audience news repertoires in Denmark.

The journal is published by the Association of media researchers in Denmark (SMID). The open access journal can be read online.

Picture: A Plumpish Proportion by U.S. Army, license CC BY 2.0

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