Article: Day of Rage: Forensic journalism and the US Capitol riot

The study “Day of Rage: Forensic journalism and the US Capitol riot” by Kelly Gates from UC San Diego examined how elite press used forensic techniques to bolster journalistic authority using the case of the New York Times Visual Investigations team providing an account of  the January 6 Capitol riot called Day of Rage. Media … Continued

Moral loadings in culture wars articles reflect a liberal pattern yet are objective

The study “ Objectivity and Moral Judgment in U.S. News Narratives: A Natural Language Processing Analysis of ‘Culture War’ Coverage” by Mengyao Xu from University of Missouri and Zhujin Guo from Clarkson University used Natural Language Processing tools to evaluate objectivity practice in terms of attitude injection by examining 20,679 culture news articles published in … Continued

Revisiting the photo essay Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace

The article “Messiness in photography, war and transitions to peace: Revisiting Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace” by Rasmus Bellmer and Frank Möller from University of Tampere, Finland looked at photojournalistic approaches to war by studying the online photo essay Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace (1996) by Fred Ritchin and Gilles Peress, and The New York … Continued