Canadian journalists’ views of dark participation 

The study “Journalists’ Views and Management of Dark Participation” by Ahmed Al-Rawi from Simon Fraser University and Taeyoung Kim from Loughborough University interviewed 15 Canadian journalists on their experiences with dark participation practices, particularly in relation to to hate speech, dis- and misinformation, and trolling. Dark participation refers to various forms of misconduct on user-generated … Continued

Empirical proof for Al-Jazeera Effect in Twitter

The study “Empirical support for the Al-Jazeera Effect notion: Al-Jazeera’s Twitter following” by Tal Samuel-Azran and Ilan Manor from Reichman University, Israel empirically studied the Al-Jazeera Effect, the notion that Al-Jazeera has promoted fairer horizontal news flow by the inclusion of non-Western perspective. It did so by analyzing its Twitter following. The Al-Jazeera effect actually … Continued

Local news organizations in Germany and data journalism

The article “Local Data Journalism in Germany: Data-driven Reporting Amidst Local Communities and Authorities” by Florian Stalph from LMU Munich and Oliver Hahn and David Liewehr from University of Passau explored data journalism within local and regional news organizations in Germany. Data journalism is often associated with large organizations such as ProPublica or with major, … Continued

How media outlets and Internet companies fight deepfakes

The new article “Fighting Deepfakes: Media and Internet Giants’ Converging and Diverging Strategies Against Hi-Tech Misinformation” by Ángel Vizoso, Martín Vaz-Álvarez, and Xosé López-García, all of University of Santiago de Compostela in Media and Communication, looks at how three media outlets and three Internet-based companies deal with a new form of misinformation: deepfakes. Deepfake is … Continued