ARTICLE: Mafia turns into a business in Italian press

Since 2009 Italian press has adopted a narrative in which organized crime is pictured as a business, write Anna di Ronco, of Ghent University and Anita Lavorgna, of University of Southampton. The authors algorithmically analyzed approximately 500 news stories related to organized crime, that were published in Italian newspapers between 2000 and 2014. The analysis … Continued

ARTICLE: Violent women in tabloids in Finland

Women as perpetrators of violence are often portrayed as strong agents with an antisocial will to hurt others, write Satu Venäläinen. The focus of her new article is on the ways in which women’s violence is made meaningful in Finnish tabloids. The analysis attempts to dissect the ways in which the identities of “feminine women” and “violent women” … Continued

Picture: Shadows by Very Quiet, licence CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped

BOOK: Media representations of a murder case

How are crime and legal issues covered in the media? A recent book in Finnish by Elina Noppari, Pentti Raittila and Pirita Männikkö of the University of Tampere studies the news coverage of the 2006 Ulvila murder case from Finland. The book focuses on what kind of impressions media created of the murder suspect during … Continued

ARTICLE: Crime narratives engage readers emotionally

When compared to a non-narrative news report a journalistic narrative about a shocking news event causes readers to identify more strongly with eyewitnesses, write Kobie van Krieken, Hans Hoeken and José Sanders of Radboud University. The study provides empirical evidence for the claim that journalistic narratives can cause readers to experience distant news events as mediated witnesses. The article … Continued

ARTICLE: Russian judicial system in the papers

State sponsored and privately owned Russian newspapers write very differently of the country’s judicial system, write Tatiana Dubrovskaya, Natalia Dankova and Svetlana Gulyaykina, all of Penza State University. They conducted a critical discourse analysis on two Russian newspapers, the government-run Rossiskaja Gazeta and the oppositional Novaja Gazeta. Both papers publish roughly as much stories related … Continued

ARTICLE: Faces of victims and killers alike get forgotten

People usually don’t recognize the faces of murder victims, even if the case was widely publicised, write Michael Brookes, David Wilson, Elizabeth Yardley, Mohammed Rahman, Sophie Rowe, all of Birmingham City University. The authors showed 103 UK residents photos of both victims and their murderers to gauge how well the subjects could recall the people … Continued

ARTICLE: Crime news can lead to racist assumptions

Reading a news story about a crime perpetrated by foreigners can make the faces of dark-skinned individuals more threatening, writes Florian Arendt, of University of Munich. He came to the conclusion after conducting experiments on 105 students. The participants read crime stories in which the foreignity, although not skin color of the criminals was mentioned. … Continued

Online first: With computational journalism, a bumpy road to better crime reporting

The adoption of computational journalism in Los Angeles Times significantly changed the form and nature of the paper’s homicide reporting, write Mary Lynn Young and Alfred Hermida, both of University of British Columbia. Evolution of the service was riddled with complications due to lack of both expertise and resources, but the end result was a … Continued