CFP | 30.5. | Sociocultural frontiers of journalism in Brazil and in Francophone space

The 1st Brazil-France-Francophone Belgium Journalism Research Conference titled “The Sociocultural Frontiers of Journalism in Brazil and in Francophone space”, is calling for proposals. The conference will be held 12-13 November 2018 in São Paulo, Brazil.

Studying the socio-cultural boundaries of journalism requires one to reflect on the dynamics of transformation, diversification and cooperation between journalists and other social spaces. This theme, so dear to the Brazilian, French and Belgian community of researchers, will be debated at the 1st Brazil-France-Belgium Francophone Colloquium on Journalism Studies, organized by SBPJor, in partnership with GIS-Journalisme and the ReSIC-Université Libre de Bruxelles.

[spoiler title=’Proposals may be submitted by communication researchers from the three countries who are interested in discussing one of the five research axes described below:’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]

1)/The cross-influences between journalism and other cultural practices throughout history./This axis prioritizes works that show the moments of sharing and exchanging conventions between journalism, literature, cinema and plastic arts, and their effects on the constitution and transformation of these practices. Papers that also analyze the circulation of these conventions between Brazil, France and Belgium are also welcome.

2)/Emerging segments of journalism constituted in the gap between different cultural practices/(ex: web docs, mooks etc.). The aim of this axis is to understand how the cooperation between journalism, literature, arts, social sciences, and other fields can lead to the development of new practices (often seen only from the point of view of technological innovation).

3)///The modalities of collaboration between journalists and actors from other cultural segments/. In this axis, we start with the concept of journalism as a collective practice where journalists depend on the collaboration with other actors to produce and disseminate information. More specifically, we would like to discuss the role of actors from other spheres of culture production (designers, illustrators, writers) in journalistic activity, including the conventional forms of cooperation they establish with journalists in activities such as computer graphics, data journalism, cultural supplements, etc.

4)/Hybrid statutes/. This axis adopts a professional sociology viewpoint when analyzing the emergence and processes of negotiation identity for actors located on the border of journalism and other cultural activities, such as journalist-writers and writer-journalists, journalist-filmmakers and filmmaker-journalists, journalist-painters and painter-journalists.

5)/Bridges with other fields of knowledge/. This axis intends to discuss theoretical, methodological and practical proposals between journalism and other fields of knowledge, such as sociology, ethnography, anthropology and psychology, among others. In a context of complex thinking, attempting to understand facts often demands partnerships with other contributions and specialists, whether in the productive sphere, as in the case of literary journalism, or in journalism research.[/spoiler]

Abstracts up to 1 000 words should be sent by 30 May 2018.

Link to full call for papers on the ECREA mailing list.


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