AI in investigative journalism

The study “How (not to) Run an AI Project in Investigative Journalism” by Marina Fridman, Roy Krøvel, and Fabrizio Palumbo, all from Oslo Metropolitan University looked at the challenges and obstacles of integrating AI into the newsroom and how to overcome them. Artificial intelligence, AI, is a field of computer science aimed at developing ‘intelligent’ … Continued

How trust and fear stimulate or hamper new ideas in the newsroom

The study “Trust and Fear in the Newsroom: How Emotions Drive the Exchange of Innovative Ideas” by Ornella Porcu and Liesbeth Hermans from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and Marcel Broersma from University of Groningen looked at a topic under researched in journalism studies: what fosters the sharing and developing of new ideas?   Innovation is … Continued

Investigative journalism and newsroom policies

New study “Between Structures and Identities: Newsroom Policies, Division of Labor and Journalists’ Commitment to Investigative Reporting” by Pauline Cancela from University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland studied how the division of labor in journalism and newsroom policies impacts the journalists’ willingness to engage in investigative journalism. There is a debate within the journalistic profession on what … Continued

Consequences of cost-cutting strategies in newsrooms

New study “From One Division of Labor to the Other: The Relation between Beat Reporting, Freelancing, and Journalistic Autonomy” by Sarah van Leuven,  Bart Vanhaelewyn and Karin Raeymaeckers of Ghent University in Belgium surveyed Belgian journalists in 2013 and 2018 about the consequences of cost-cutting in newsrooms. The authors focused their study on consequences to … Continued

Dimensions of media attention apparatus and terrorist acts

A new study “The Attention Apparatus: Conditions and Affordances of News Reporting in Hybrid Media Events of Terrorist Violence” by Niina Uusitalo  and Katja Valaskivi from University of Tampere conceptualizes news organization as a an attention apparatus through looking at news production in terrorist acts.  The empirical part of the study consisted of 33 thematic … Continued