CFP | 15.4. | Data journalism in Latin America, Spain and Portugal

The journal ICONO 14 is now accepting manuscript submissions for its upcoming special issue on “Ibero-American Data Journalism”. The issue is guest-edited by Eddy Borges-Rey, of University of Stirling, Bahareh Heravi, of University College Dublin, and Turo Uskali, of University of Jyväskylä. Manuscripts are accepted in both English and Spanish. The special issue will focus … Continued

Picture: IMG_7041 by Marcin Ignac, license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

ARTICLE: Data visualization practices in Scandinavian newsrooms

There are several factors that shape the fast-developing practices of data visualizations in journalistic use, find Martin  Engebretsen, of University of Agder, Helen  Kennedy, of the University of Sheffield, and Wibke Weber, of ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The researchers interviewed 30 editorial leaders, data journalists, developers and graphic designers from 10 major news … Continued

ARTICLE: What constitutes quality data storytelling?

Adegboyega Ojo, of National University of Ireland, and Bahareh Heravi, of University College Dublin explore what characterises good data stories and how different technologies are being combined to create these stories. The study analysed 44 cases of award-winning data journalism work, comprising winning entries of the Global Editors Network’s (GEN) Data Journalism Award from 2013 to 2016. … Continued

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ARTICLE: Everyday data journalism is not a “new holistic genre”

Most of daily data journalism is fairly simple compared to the persistent ideals of data journalism, Florian Stalph, of University of Passau, writes. Stalph analysed a random sample of 244 data journalism stories published by two German, one Swiss, and one British legacy news organisation. The median length of these data journalism stories was 548 … Continued

ARTICLE: The ‘gold-standard’ in data-driven journalism

The emergence of data-driven journalism (DDJ) can be understood as journalism’s response to the datafication of society, write Wiebke Loosen, of Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research, Julius Reimer, of Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research and Fenja De Silva-Schmidt, of University of Hamburg. The article explores what is the ‘gold-standard’ in DDJ by analysing the pieces nominated for the … Continued

ARTICLE: Data journalism or electoral prediction?

Norman P. Lewis and Stephenson Waters examine how journalists convey the meaning of data journalism to their audiences. The focus of the study is on the words journalists have used publicly to describe data journalism and the prediction-defying elections in 2015 and 2016 in the United Kingdom and the United States. The authors conducted a content analysis … Continued

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ARTICLE: Acquiring digital capital is important but gendered

Digital capital, i.e. information and communication technology skills and knowledge, is important in the struggle for power in journalism, increasing journalists’ chances for recruitment and advancement. Sara De Vuyst and Karin Raeymaeckers, of Ghent University, conducted 24 interviews with a cross-national sample to find out whether and how digital capital is gendered in journalism. Digital … Continued

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ARTICLE: Journalists value research more than journalism educators do

It is more common for working journalists to think academic research is important to journalism than it is for journalism educators, write John Wihbey, of Northeastern University, and Mark Coddington, of Washington and Lee University. The authors surveyed 1 521 American journalists and journalism educators over their attitudes towards academic research and statistical literacy. Majority … Continued

REPORT: Artificial intelligence in the newsroom

The Associated Press has published a new report called “The Future of Augmented Journalism: A guide for newsrooms in the age of smart machines” written by Francesco Marconi, Alex Siegman and also a “Machine Journalist”. The report is the result of collaboration among the two authors and different artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The article captures … Continued

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ARTICLE: A portrait of data journalism research

Julian Ausserhofer and Michael Oppermann, both of University of Vienna, with Robert Gutounig, Sarah Matiasek and Eva Goldgruber, all of FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, have conducted a systematic review of research on data journalism (author names not in original order). The review covers the years 1996-2015, and it details the field’s most important … Continued