Interview by Tim Dorr, licence CC BY-SA 2.0

ARTICLE: User generated content not central to public journalism

Contrary to earlier formulations, user generated content does not seem to be a core element of contemporary public journalism initiatives, Patrick Ferrucci, of University of Colorado Boulder, writes. Ferrucci interviewed 19 US journalists working for digitally native news nonprofits (DNNN) over their work routines and methods. The author was particularly interested in the four key … Continued

Mikael Karlsson interview

VIDEO: What is good journalism?

Michael Karlsson, a professor at Karlstad University, has studied what people think is good journalism. With his colleagues he has conducted focus group interviews with citizens. He shares the findings about what they have found. In the near future, Karlsson is focusing on studies about hyperlinking and how news “travel” within newsrooms in different countries. … Continued

Soldiers patrolling in Afghanistan by Cpl Mike O'Neill / Defence Images, licence CC BY-SA 2.0

ARTICLE: War veteran reactions to media’s condemnation

The sterilized image of war presented by media is disconnected from its gruesome reality, Katy Parry, of University of Leeds, writes. When the reality of war is brought to light by soldiers’ private photographs, the media condemns the soldiers. This reveals the chasm between the two worlds, making it difficult for veterans to find understanding … Continued

Untitled by DariuszSankowski, licence CC0 1.0

REPORT: Fear of too many alerts holds back news apps

A large number of smartphone users have downloaded news apps and are interested in using them – yet only a minority of them use said applications, a recent Reuters Institute report, authored by Nic Newman, shows. 7 577 British, American, Taiwanese and German adults completed an online survey over their news consumption on smartphones. Overall, … Continued

ARTICLE: Habits and generational media use

New article by Marina Ghersetti and Oscar Westlund, both of University of Gothenburg, studies how how different generations’ media habits interrelate with media use during societal crises. The study is based on Swedish survey data from 2012. The media habits of the elderly generation primarily comprise legacy news media, while the younger generation mainly uses digital media. … Continued

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly: Google news, sharing and political campaigns

New issue of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly is now published. The issue consists of a collection of research articles and a pile of book reviews. The magazine is divided in themes such as “online news business models”, “audience behavior” and “changing journalistic paradigms”. The issue begins with a bibliometric study of social capital research in communication … Continued

Untitled by Julian Stallabrass, licence CC BY 2.0

ARTICLE: Serbians distrust news, as journalists are seen corrupt

The way Serbians think journalists practice their trade has a significant, negative effect on the Serbians’ trust in journalism, writes Ivanka Pjesivac, of University of Georgia. Pjesivac analysed the results from a survey of 544 Serbians, in which the respondents were asked about their general trust of other people, trust in journalism, and conceptions of … Continued