Local journalism and new business models

New issue of Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies is now published. The issue features articles from both academics and practitioners, who explore issues from normative questions about the role of journalists and (new) business models to more specific enquiries into journalists’ post-Leveson working routines and practices.

Here is a list of the articles included:

James Morrison: Chilling at the grassroots? The impact of the Leveson Inquiry on journalist-source relations and the reporting of the powerful at local level

Rachel Matthews: The ideological challenge for the regional press; reappraising the community value of local newspapers

Tor Clarks: Missing the biggest story – the UK regional press after Leveson

Douglas White, Lauren Pennycook, William Perrin and Sarah Hartley: The future’s bright but the future’s local – the rise of hyperlocal journalism in the United Kingdom

Simon Gwyn Roberts: Nurturing English regionalism: A new role for local newspapers in a federal UK?

Anthony Longden: What lies ahead for regional journalism

The journal is available here.

Picture: Stock Photography – Canadian Coins by KMR Photography, licence: CC BY 2.0

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