Four reports on United Kingdom’s EU referendum

Four reports - find picture credits at the end of the story

The heavily discussed issue of Britain’s 2016 referendum on leaving the EU also sprouted many analyses on the media coverage of the topic. Here are four reports that have been produced between June and September.

Loughborough University series of reports

The Loughborough University Centre for Research in Communication and Culture released a series of reports on the news reporting of EU referendum. They have also published a book based on the reports

EJO report on Europe’s newspapers

In August, the European Journalism Observatory released an analysis of Europe’s newspapers towards Brexit. They conducted a content analysis of three newspapers in each of 12 European countries and in the US.

Multiple analyses from 100 British academics

A publication called “EU Referendum Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign” drew multiple analyses from academics on Brexit ten days after the election. The report has multiple sections, featuring ones on news and journalism.

RISJ Institute and PRIME Research report on UK press coverage

A report “UK Press Coverage of the EU Referendum” by RISJ Institute and PRIME Research UK analysed 2378 news articles from a period of four months. They found UK press coverage of the referendum dominated by pro-leave articles.


Pictures: Brexit tea by frankleleon, license CC BY 2.0; Poll Card EU referendum by Abi Begum, licence: CC BY 2.0; Brexit by license CC0; Europe, England by Alexas_fotos, license CC0

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