CFP | 16.4. | Fake news and filter bubbles

The journal Quaderns del CAC, published by the Catalonian Audiovisual Council, is calling for article submissions for its upcoming thematic section on fake news. The section is entitled “Fake news, algorithms and filter bubbles” and it accepts articles written in English, Catalan, and Spanish. The journal is open access.

The section is particularly interested in how the modern communication environment and automation thereof abets the spread of “fake news”. The editors have provided an extensive list of proposed topics, which includes (but is not limited to):

  • How facts and truth are handled in news discourse
  • Credibility of the different news providers
  • Disinformation and virality
  • Biases employed by algorithms to decide which subjects are newsworthy
  • The declining diversity of media diet content
  • The problems of editorial accountability online
  • The risks of automating news production
  • Fake news as a business

Full article submissions are due April 16.

The full call for papers is available through the ECREA mailing list archive.

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