CFP | 15.3. | Disrupting Media Infrastructures

The journal Northern Lights, Volume 17, 2019 – Theme issue on: “Disrupting media infrastructures: Transforming media industries and public spheres”, is calling for papers.

Northern Lights calls for papers exploring how disruption of the media infrastructure relates to transformation both within media industries and in a wider societal context.

[spoiler title=’Research topics may include but are not restricted to:’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]

Changes in media business models and challenges for legacy news media and public service media.
Development of push and pull models of media content distribution
Media content production for on-demand audiences and users
Emerging strategic alliances and collaborations in distribution and/or content production
Global tech companies and their influence on disruption of global and national media markets
Datafication and the value of consumer intelligence; new forms of audience/user data gathering
Transforming advertising: the demise of mass media models of advertising, search based advertising models, etc.
The political economy of disruption: the interplay between globalization, neoliberal policies, and technology development
Changes of the media infrastructure and the implication for the performance of the public sphere

Considering the overall theme of this volume, all submissions must analytically or theoretically be committed to engage with the processes and effects of ‘disruption’.

Send an extended abstract of 500-600 words by 15 March 2018.

See the full call for papers behind the link.


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