CFP | 15.1.2018 | Making sense of election reporting

The ICA preconference “Making sense of Election reporting: new directions, new challenges?” is calling for papers. The conference will be held on 24 May 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The organizers welcome new theoretical and empirical inquiries that examine:

* The quality of information supplied during election campaign (e.g. debates about policy Vs game, hard or soft news etc.)
* Representing voters during election campaigns (e.g. use of polls, vox pops etc.)
* New insights on questions of balance, objectivity and impartiality of election reporting
* Reporting elections in a post-truth environment
* The role of fake news during election campaigns
* Blurring boundaries between news genres and popular culture in election reporting
* Who sets the media agenda and intermedia agenda setting (e.g. between new and legacy media)
* The interaction between journalists, politicians and campaign professionals during election campaigns
* New insights into the relationship between news media, public opinion and voter behaviour
* Changing news consumption habits and how this is shaping the role and influence of mainstream news media

Deadline for paper submission is 15 January 2018.

Read the full call for papers.

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