BOOK: Media representations of a murder case

Picture: Shadows by Very Quiet, licence CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped

How are crime and legal issues covered in the media? A recent book in Finnish by Elina Noppari, Pentti Raittila and Pirita Männikkö of the University of Tampere studies the news coverage of the 2006 Ulvila murder case from Finland.

The book focuses on what kind of impressions media created of the murder suspect during the years of the trial. The book also deals with online crime discussions and Twitter messaging covering Ulvila.

The book Syylliseksi kirjoitettu. Ulvilan surman uutisointia paperilla ja verkossa was published on 31 August 2015. The book is available online (only in Finnish).

Picture: Shadows by Very Quiet, licence CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped

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